A Template for Writing Reproducible ML Papers

I created a repository with a basic template for making a reproducible research paper. See the README for up to date info on how to use the template.

The idea

Running make all in the top level directory should:

  1. make a python virtual environment and install dependencies in requirements.txt
  2. (optional) run all experiments
  3. make figures for paper (as .tex files straight from python)
  4. make tables for paper (as .tex files straight from python)
  5. build paper.pdf

As running the experiments (step 2) can take a long time, it is often better to setup the experiments to run separately with:

make run

And perhaps this should be run on a cluster… The figures/tables/paper (without running experiments) can then be made with:

make paper

All figures and tables can be reproduced with:

make media

This runs ./src/figures.py and ./src/tables.py which generates the figures and tables and puts them inside ./paper/figs and ./paper/tables.

Powerful tools in this template

These are some of my favourite tools. See the links for more information on how to use them.

  1. Experiment configuration with hydra,
    • Use it to instantiate objects from yaml configs.
    • Use it to easily sweep over parameters and random seeds.
    • Use it to deploy experiments in parallel on a cluster using submitit and multirun.
  2. Experiment tracking with Weights & Biases,
    • Weights & Biases can log experiments running on a cluster so you can easily see them in your browser (with minimal set up).
  3. Use tikzplotlib to directly save figures in python as .tex files (instead of pdf/png) so that axis labels, titles and so on, are formatted using your LaTeX style,
    • You also get the added benefit that you can easily edit the .tex file if you want to make changes to your plot (e.g. axis lables). That is, you don’t need to re run your python code.
    • Thanks to Arno Solin for showing me this!
  4. Create LaTeX tables directly in python using tabulate and save them as .tex files.
    • Now when you need to re run experiments you don’t need to manually update tables in your main LaTeX file.
    • Agian, thanks to Arno Solin for showing me this!
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